

The International Cultural and Educational Program, on the basis of which the European Cultural Route «Peter the Great Way» is established, is being implemented under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, with the support of the Committee on Culture of St. Petersburg and with the active participation of many Russian and European cultural and scientific institutions. The Peter the Great Institute and the Likhachev Foundation are in turn the founders and institutional backbone of the route.

The aims and purposes of the programme are:

  • Study and popularization of the cultural and historical heritage connected with the activities of Peter I and his associates.
  • Development of cultural tourism, promotion of the "Peter the Great Brand" of St. Petersburg, as well as other Petrine cities of Russia and Europe.
  • Promotion of cultural integration of Russian and European cultural and scientific institutions.

Main directions of activity within the route: conferences, seminars, exhibitions; research projects aimed at studying and popularizing the cultural heritage of the Petrine era; publications and web-projects dedicated to the material heritage of Petrine era, history and culture of Petrine cities and regions of Russia and Europe.